Phyllanthus Fluitans is an attractive floating plant that will naturally multiply and spread across the surface of an aquarium given the correct conditions. Belonging to the spurge family which primarily consists of desert plants however over the years the Phyllantus Fluitans has completely adapted to a different environment.
When mature, Phyllantus Fluitans has attractive roots that hang and flow below it making it ideal for tanks with fry - the roots offer protection and shelter. The plant is mainly green with a red underside but worth noting it's not keen on being splashed with water so avoid spray bars or tanks with air pumps.
Phyllantus Fluitans is for open-top aquariums only - it needs dry air to flourish. Tanks with hoods are not suitable as the plant will become waterlogged and eventually sink (then perish). For tanks with hoods try
After years of stocking this plant, we've taken all feedback on board as we wanted a better plant, something the growers couldn't offer. So we grew some ourself. We now offer 2 different types available:
- Classic
- Super Red.
There's quite a difference between the two. So what is the difference?
Classic - imported from Holland, this plant is harvested so when it arrives with you it's lots of smaller pieces not joined together and without roots - this is normal (not defective) and will re-grow. It's kept in water so there's a chance of snails. Colour is green as the plant is young. It's very important to note it doesn't have roots (we have to stress this) - negative feedback from customers originates from those who have misread the description and then come back to us complaining about the lack of roots.
Please read the description which we believe is very clear.
Super Red - this variety has been grown by Aqua Essentials. It originates from tissue cultured plants and grown under intense lighting with a a special colour output for 16 hours per day. This develops the roots very nicely AND the amazing colour you can see in the picture. But it takes a long time to get to this stage, and this costs extra. We believe it's much nicer, more colourful and stronger than the Classic variety.
The choice is now yours as to what option you prefer.
One portion of this plant comes in a 7.5cm x 2.5cm pot.